
The Mo Chits @ Love Bar, Sibiu

?Data: 30.08.2024 /🕣 Ora: 20:00
📌 Locatie: Love bar, Sibiu
🏠 Adresa: str.Avocat Ilie Macelaru, Sibiu

Eveniment: FaceBook

Prețuri și detalii despre categoriile de bilete:
35 lei  – Acces elev/student (La acces se prezinta carnetul de elev/student)
50 lei  – Acces general
*Toate prețurile includ taxele locale si nu includ taxa de procesare.
**Taxa de procesare nu este returnabila.
Locurile sunt limitate si se vor aloca in ziua evenimentului in functie de sosirea in locatie.

The Mo Chits began in New Delhi, India in 2017.

Now, based in Bucharest, the band is anchored in the drumming of Dan Dima, propelled by the bass playing of Alex Oltean, elevated by the violin, voice and keys of Irina Perneș , and transmitted through the guitar and voice of frontman Kirk McDavitt.

The Mo Chits blend elements of rock, psychedelia, classical, and American folk.
Get acquainted with them by listening to their new self-titled album, available on all streaming platforms.


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